Thursday, May 25, 2006

Deciding on a topic

I handed in my last assignment two days a go, i feel ralaxed, then the feeling of panic just comes to me whenever i start to ralax. thinking what am i going to do next year?

i didnt make up my mind on a topic, but i really have to before the end of this month, then ask lecturers approval.

Doing leons assignment was a great help, and it tought me a lot of stuff:

1) Find areas that interests me most
2) Doing a research before i decide on a topic
3) find media or software that interests me most to implement the final work
4) Plan your work inadvance and document all progress

I will first try to do the follwing:

A) while trying to find a topic, i will simultaneously try and design a website to use for my documentation inshaAllah.
B) i will try to practice 3D max at least for an hour everyday
C) Do all video editing that i had at home "inshaAllah"


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