Week 25, Making
Wednesday 7th March 2007
I was doing the interactive part for the last week, and still buttons need to work properly. The selection buttons I think I will manage to work them by next week, however the submit for rating button is what I’m more concern about, I have seen many codes that you could manipulate to use it for this purpose, but I put it for testing nothing is working properly.
Friday 9th March
Today I have been trying to do some text animation in after effect, but when I couldn’t succeed, I went to live text and read some tutorial on how to make animated text by the use of this software which normally comes with Final Cut Pro.
I was quite happy with what I learned, how to write text there and add some effects, manipulate the effect to make it unique by increasing its speed, rotation, add a background or sometimes import a movie to take colour sample from it and then finally render it to use the animated text in Final Cut Pro again.
When rendering something in final cut pro I never understood the term self contain (one of the option that you should make), only yesterday I could understand that It means all files that relates to the movie will be included in the rendered one, which will increase the file size and if the option is unchecked it will not include it, and will only reference the files which save a lot of space.

On Saturday I started putting my dissertation in organized way, in order to make it easy for me when It comes to putting them and displaying it on the site for presentation. Tonight I will be doing text animation using after effect, as I did not like the one I did in Live type, it is ok but I would love to have a go on after effect to see what it can do.
Sunday 11 March:
Dead line is very close, my plan is by the will of Allah to finish the dissertation and show a fist draft to Amar by at least thursady. I did finish the design of the layout, however I need to link them and put them together before I put the data.
The interactive screen play still not finish, the design is finished, button is working fine, however I still need to assign an array or something, in order to make a set of selection on each button. Meaning I wanted when user select the brush tool to display a selection of different types of islamic shapes, when the stamp is selected, a selection of different stamp tool to be selected …etc.
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