Week 19 Making
Friday 26 January 07
I finished designing the splash intro page, using flash frame by frame animation. Deciding on the colour was a bit tricky, bright colors, patterns, and bold pictures are what most attract young children.
I started laying out my the dissertation headings and also I started designing the layout of the dissertation in order to make it something interactive like a website or a projector.
Sunday 28 January 07
Today I was doing the flash interactive paint screen, during all these days when I was trying to do individual items using simple action, it seemed easy and straight forward. However when I finished drawing the items to use such as background, stamp, spray tools, and the making of the interface finished, I just realized how hard it is to get every thing connected by the use of action script.
Still the work of how to connect it to the server is left, also some other pieces to display on the web.
I just hope I can finish on time
screen shot of the flash intro
Week 18, splash screen
Saturday 20 January07
Splash intro animation, is what I was planning today, I will be making flash animation to be displayed as an intro to the site.
The idea is as follows:
A young boy playing on the beach with a sand castle, then this boy will have a sudden inspiration, which is to make the logo of the site “islamo art” as I changed it from miniIslam to that name.
I had initial idea, which was a hazy pictures, covered with dust (communicating the idea that Islamic art it does exist but it is just not clear to everyone), then a visitor will come and blow off the dust, as a result the images become clearer.
When I thought of both ideas, I came to the conclusion that the first one is more childish thing while the other one is more adult way of thinking.
From tomorrow I have to start making this in flash so I can proceed to other sections of the site.
Week 17 Designing other parts
Friday 12/January
Although my plan was to write this every week, I become very busy with the doing of the 3D assignment, it was a nightmare, but thanks to Allah it is now over.
Today I started doing one of the interactive content that I will be putting on the site, informative 3D text about the history of Islamic Art.
I started modeling al-aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, being the fist architectural building with a beautiful decoration that Muslims erected in the early stages of the Islamic empire. I simultaneously was modeling the early prophet mosque in Madina, as an example of how simple the buildings used to be at the prophets time.
Week 16, Christmas holiday (week 3)
Monday 1st January 2007
New year, and last week of Christmas and yet a lot to do. I don’t want to be pessimistic, I did good although I am very slow, if I compare the amount of hours I spend trying to do work and what I achieve or accomplish. But I still believe in the saying “ where there is a will there is a way”
Today I was designing the logo for the site, last week I bought host space and a domain name, I was sponsored by
Bigredfeet.com, to pay for the costs and any other future costs such as prizes that will be given to every month’s art winner.
first design of logo

not still sure if this will be the final one, now i'm showing it to friends to comment on it.
While researching for a way of writing Arabic script in flash, I came across Waseet203, a software that changes English into Arabic, but couldn’t find any that translate Arabic to English.